Hello Everyone!

As you may have seen, we announced the next PTG[1] which will take place October 17-20, 2022 in Columbus, Ohio!

Registration is now open[2].

We have also secured a limited, discounted hotel block for PTG attendees [3].

If your organization is interested in sponsoring the event, information on packages and pricing are now available on the PTG website [1] or feel free to reach out directly to ptg@openinfra.dev.

Can't wait to SEE you all there!

-Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo)

[1] https://openinfra.dev/ptg/
[2] https://openinfra-ptg.eventbrite.com/
[3] https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/group-booking/CMHRC/G-L0RT