Hello, I originally filed this as an issue on vmm-sys-util, but a maintainer said that this mailing list would be a better audience. `rustix` is a library that aims to provide a safe system interface over the POSIX API, similar to what this crate accomplishes. However, `rustix` excels by using Linux's raw system call interface rather than `libc`, which provides a decent code size and performance benefit. It uses `libc` on non-Linux platforms and can be optionally configured to swap to a `libc`-based backend if desired. I see two options here: - Rewrite `vmm-sys-util` to use `rustix` instead of `libc`. This would be a breaking change in this `vmm-sys-util`, as some parts export `libc` in their public API. - Rewrite higher level crates to use `rustix` instead of `vmm-sys-util`. Which option would be preferred by `rust-vmm`? rustix git repo: https://github.com/bytecodealliance/rustix Best, John Nunley