Hi guys, From the 31st of May I decided to step down as a rust-vmm maintainer and gatekeeper. To smooth the transition of the activities I have followed this year, Patrick Roy and myself have identified Egor Lazarchuk (https://github.com/ShadowCurse) as a candidate to onboard as maintainer of the crates I am currently responsible for. Egor has previously contributed to rust-vmm with work in kvm-ioctls (#223), vhost (#218), rust-vmm-container (#98) and rust-vmm-ci (#149 and the follow-ups #150 and #151). The next steps will follow the guidelines for on-boarding a maintainer. Egor will post PRs to add himself as a code owner to linux-loader, rust-vmm-ci, vmm-sys-util, vm-superio, rust-vmm-container, vm-allocator, kvm-ioctls and event-manager. If there are any concerns feel free to bring these up in slack, the sync meeting or on the PRs directly. I wish the best for rust-vmm moving forward and will miss helping smooth the rough edges. I’ll still be on slack if you need to contact me. Best regards, Jonathan Woollett-Light