I know some of you are already aware of the Project Teams Gathering (PTG) events hosted by the OpenStack Foundation twice yearly. This year, for obvious reasons, we've switched it (at least temporarily) to become a globally-distributed virtual event. I thought the OILabs community had been officially invited to participate, but couldn't find any clear record so thought I would bring it up here. https://www.openstack.org/ptg As it says there, the full schedule will cover Monday, June 1 through Friday, June 5. Being a global event, timeslots are in UTC and available basically around the clock. If OILabs folks have things they think this event would provide them a useful venue for discussing or rallying around, we're welcome to pick some available times in the schedule here (just pick an available "room" for each date and time we would meet and stick something like "OILabs" in the cells): https://ethercalc.openstack.org/126u8ek25noy We ask that the group try to coordinate so that only one person is filling in the reservations, hopefully making it easier to avoid duplication of effort or accidents like signing up for more slots than we'll use. For those who have attended a PTG before, the tools we'll use are basically the same except, being virtual, OSF staff will make a videoconferencing service available to take the place of the physical venue they would normally arrange. For those who haven't attended a PTG before, it's a loosely-coordinated "unconference" style event where the only thing which is really firmly scheduled is when various groups of people plan to be around to talk with one another. We have an IRC channel (#openstack-ptg on Freenode) which acts as both a place for discussing event-related topics like seeking event-specific help, and as a command-and-control channel for our "ptgbot" which teams can use to indicate what topics they're talking about/getting ready to cover. It also has features for booking available rooms on short notice, and for individuals to indicate whether they're floating from one room to another: https://opendev.org/obmpenstack/ptgbot/src/branch/master/README.rst Even if we don't have anything in particular we want to talk about, many of us may still be interested in connecting with other teams/projects/communities or otherwise participating in the event. This is being run as a free event (no cost to participants), but OSF would strongly appreciate if folks who want to attend would still register (this assists in service capacity planning and helps remind folks of the event's code of conduct): https://virtualptgjune2020.eventbrite.com/ Thanks, and I hope to "see" you there! -- Jeremy Stanley