As you may know, the Open Cloud Workshop (formerly Mass Open Cloud Workshop) held in March kicked off a shift to a focus broader than the MOC - a constellation of related projects we’ve started to call the Open Cloud Initiative. Coming out of the Workshop, we established a monthly meeting of representatives from each of the efforts.
During these monthly discussions, questions on telemetry became a theme which would be a good area of focus for a working group. We identified two potential leads, Raja Sambasivan, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Tufts University, and Marcel Hild, Engineering Manager, AI CoE, CTO Office Kiel Area, Red Hat, both of whom accepted our request to lead this working group (Thanks Raja and Marcel!). You are receiving this email because we’d like to invite you to participate in this group.
Work has been started on developing a charter and there are lots of ideas on the next steps.
We are holding the Telemetry Working Group kick-off meeting on December 8, 2020 from 9:30 - 10:30 AM EST. For now, we will set up the meeting to run bi-weekly.
December 8, 2020 Agenda
The recurring Zoom information for this meeting is: or use Meeting ID: 920 4219 2235, Passcode: 045484. You will be added to a calendar invite with this information as well.
Currently, the charter, agendas and meeting notes can be found here.
We know we did not think of everyone we should invite, so if you know someone (or a mailing list or SIG) that would be a great fit - please forward the invitation (coming shortly) and cc Jen Stacy so they may be added to the mailing list. We look forward to the kick-off on December 8. In case some people are unable to attend, we plan to record the meeting and will share the link.
Michael Daitzman and Jen Stacy on behalf of Marcel Hild and Raja Sambasivan
MOC/Open Cloud Initiative