On 2020-09-16 01:28:48 +0000 (+0000), Daitzman, Michael S wrote: [...]
What Openinfralabs projects want to have meetings that will allow overlap with other project team's who will be in attendance.
Some that come to mind: [...]
All great topics to talk about and work on, in my opinion. It would be good to go ahead and sign up for some time on the schedule though even if topics aren't settled yet. The organizers are down to the wire trying to coordinate the reserved timeslots for everyone. They were hoping to hear from everybody interested a week ago, but really need to know on Monday at the very latest. If you can take a quick guess as to what timeslots will work best for the anticipated mix of attendees (they're arranged in Americas+APAC, APAC+EMEA, and EMEA+Americas overlap windows for optimum convenience and collaboration), and book them in the spreadsheet at https://ethercalc.openstack.org/7xp2pcbh1ncb that will be a huge help. Also a reminder to everyone interested in participating in the vPTG, don't forget to register! https://october2020ptg.eventbrite.com/ It's free, registration just helps make sure people are familiar with the code of conduct and gets us contact information to be able to send the virtual meeting room details and similar logistics along to attendees. -- Jeremy Stanley