Hi All, We had a great call today. Below please find some of the highlights of our discussion. * Events - The group decided to participate in the upcoming virtual Project Teams Gathering + The group is currently planning to have an extended session on Monday morning at the same time as the weekly meeting! + Event details: https://openinfra.dev/ptg/ + If you are planning to attend, please register, it’s FREE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/project-teams-gathering-march-2023-tickets-4839... - OpenInfra Summit & PTG in Vancouver + The group is currently aiming for grabbing a Forum session and find opportunities at the in-person PTG to have discussions with project teams + Event details: https://openinfra.dev/summit/vancouver-2023 * Services and applications running at the edge - We discussed challenges of application design in edge environments - Baptiste from INRIA showed a few slides to share information about their research in this space - We also started to compare how the challenges relate or change if we switch from the application space to the control plane and configuration data - We also explored already existing solutions to handle distributed data over intermittent networks * We will keep exploring the application-design space next week! For information about upcoming meetings and dial-in details please check out our wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Edge_Computing_Group#Meetings Best Regards, Ildikó ——— Ildikó Váncsa Senior Manager, Community & Ecosystem Open Infrastructure Foundation
participants (1)
Ildiko Vancsa