On the weekly call today we were brainstorming ideas on how to utilize our time on the calls the best as well as how to improve our ways to share information with the industry.
Our plan is to use the weekly calls as an opportunity to discuss specific topics that we then turn into blog posts. Our goal is to make writing content a collaborative effort while also sharing the findings of our group with the broad industry in a more visible way than our wiki pages.
Today we were sharing our thoughts around two questions that came up as part of a PTG feedback discussion:
* There are a lot of silos and parallel activities around edge. Who and how can make it more coherent?
* Which OpenStack projects are affected by the edge and what activities do they have in the area?
Today we were focusing mainly on the first question and will be working on content to help groups in the industry and open source ecosystm to connect through.
The topics that we identified today:
* Untangling the Edge
* Why 5G and Edge are two different and separate things?
* Edge transport and network overlay
On the weekly call next Monday (May 10) we will talk about untangling the edge and turn the discussion into a blog post.
If you have ideas for further topics please throw them into this etherpad and add your name next to your topic idea: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__etherpad.opendev.org_p_ecg-2Dblog-2Dposts&d=DwIGaQ&c=udBTRvFvXC5Dhqg7UHpJlPps3mZ3LRxpb6__0PomBTQ&r=zSPYRgoBij7eDdloAJpktY4pyBQRGnvgrz_9Wy3fyA4&m=t0u_Q4v7t_jCobvOQx6pzhpLncOigkYom1HdcTdK-ik&s=8HCEZ4viNfpxy2n4wMiAavSETFIhSRNssbt22Is5GTw&e=
We also plan to work on gathering information in the form of survey(s) to learn more about short and mid-term edge plans and identify gaps in current edge infrastructures.
The weekly calls are happening every Monday at 6am PDT. You can find more details and dial-in information here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__wiki.openstack.org_wiki_Edge-5FComputing-5FGroup-23Meetings&d=DwIGaQ&c=udBTRvFvXC5Dhqg7UHpJlPps3mZ3LRxpb6__0PomBTQ&r=zSPYRgoBij7eDdloAJpktY4pyBQRGnvgrz_9Wy3fyA4&m=t0u_Q4v7t_jCobvOQx6pzhpLncOigkYom1HdcTdK-ik&s=5yjgrpLIhQgwWpRgnj4iWkU-lglylBy7KqDTyOCDRAY&e=
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ildikó Váncsa
Senior Manager, Community & Ecosystem
Open Infrastructure Foundation
Edge-computing mailing list