Hi everyone, I’m very excited to share that today, the OSF Edge Computing Group released 'Cloud Edge Computing: Beyond the Data Center', a white paper that explores the area of edge computing by identifying use cases, scenarios and commonalities in the challenges to support broadscale edge computing adoption. Members of the OSF Edge Computing Group—including representatives from AT&T, B.Yond, Cisco, Ericsson, HPE, IMT Atlantique, Inmarsat, Red Hat, Verizon and Walmart Labs—have identified fundamental requirements and are issuing a challenge to the open infrastructure community to create and/or adapt the tools that are needed to enable broad adoption. In addition to the white paper, the group has established weekly meetings to further the cross-community collaboration around edge computing. Interested in joining? Learn more about the Edge Computing Group and how you can get involved: https://www.openstack.org/edge-computing/ Thank you to everyone who contributed! Best Regards, Ildikó