Sometimes even unikernel + bare metal is enough. It really depends on the use case and target application workloads. On 01/10/2018 09:55 PM, Gnep Zhao wrote:
Just wondering whether multit-tenancy is a hard requirement for some Edge environment, e.g. device, gateway, NFV appliance? Those setup sound more like single tenancy, therefore container + baremetal is good enough?
On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 10:17 PM, Allison Randal <> wrote:
The typical pattern for unikernels is to deploy the application
workloads as unikernels rather than as containers or VM/cloud images. (I
also pondered the possibility of trying the OpenStack services deployed
as unikernels, as I read the article, but that was more idle curiosity,
since it wouldn't buy us much in an edge scenario.)
I also wasn't suggesting directly trying the LightVM implementation in
OpenStack, since it's mostly a proof-of-concept at the moment. (Though
I'll be interested to see where they go with it.)
Mainly, I was suggesting that their workflow for performance analysis
and optimization of Xen is a good example of what we could do with
OpenStack Edge deployments, once we've defined a small set of
representative edge-site scenarios. That performance analysis workflow
applies equally well to either the small-footprint or distributed
approach to using OpenStack for edge infrastructure, you just have to
use a more distributed set of performance analysis tools for the
distributed case.
On 01/09/2018 10:38 PM, Paul-Andre Raymond wrote:
> Allison,
> Thanks for sharing. I was not aware of this work and I found the article interesting.
> Today we discussed two aspects:
> 1- How to make openstack fit into smaller footprint (i.e. into an edge site)
> 2- How to make openstack more distributed (with Compute nodes at edge sites connected via a WAN link)
> This article certainly fits in the first category.
> In particular, if we think about deploying Openstack components in Unikernels instead of deploying them with Containers.
> Paul-André
> --
> On 1/9/18, 6:00 PM, "Allison Randal" <> wrote:
> Following up on the conversation in the call today, have folks on the
> list read "My VM is Lighter (and Safer) than your Container"[0]? It's a
> good example of the kind of work we could do now on OpenStack, if we
> select a small number of representative use cases/scenarios, build
> sample deployments, and share concrete data with developers on specific
> changes we need in OpenStack. This kind of work can be ongoing at the
> same time as higher-level and broader-scope conversations about areas
> where we're still unsure of the best architecture or implementation details.
> Allison
> [0] Filipe Manco, Costin Lupu, Florian Schmidt, Jose Mendes, Simon
> Kuenzer, Sumit Sati, Kenichi Yasukata, Costin Raiciu, and Felipe Huici
> (2017) "My VM is Lighter (and Safer) than your Container." In
> Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP
> '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 218-233. DOI:
>, Also available at:
> On 01/05/2018 06:53 PM, wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Following the LTE discussion, I'm wondering whether we should not try to classify the edge-site scenarios by level of the complexity (i.e., features/capabilities each scenario implies/requires).
> >
> > A possible classification can start with:
> > a) An edge infrastructure composed of several edge sites operated by a same organisation with WAN wired connections.
> > b) The same infrastructure but with LTE connections
> > c) Scenario a) but where the edge infrastructure is spread over several edge sites belonging to different organisations/operators
> > d) scenario c) but with LTE
> > e) ..
> >
> > In parallel, we can try to identify w.r.t these scenarios what are the expected features/services from the administrator viewpoint and then from the developers viewpoint.
> >
> > I have the feeling that we all have relevant scenarios with specifics according to our targets. Having a classification can allow us to move forward by just focusing on classes instead of each particular scenario independently.
> >
> > My two cents,
> > ad_ri3n_
> >
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