Hi, We are canceling the next two weekly calls due to holidays and conflicts. Next Monday is Memorial Day in the US and the week after most of the call attendees will attend the upcoming LFN DDF. The next call will happen on _Monday, June 14 at 1300 UTC__. We are currently working on a blog series to untangle the edge and just finished the first draft which should be posted soon! We are collecting thoughts and topics to write about here: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ecg-untangling-the-edge Please throw in ideas and comments on the ehterpad above if you would like to participate in the discussion. For details about the weekly calls and more information about the group please visit our wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Edge_Computing_Group Thanks and Best Regards, Ildikó ——— Ildikó Váncsa Senior Manager, Community & Ecosystem Open Infrastructure Foundation