Hi, As discussed on the Kubernetes IoT Edge WG and the mailing list of OSF ECG let's have a cross community meeting next Wednesday (06.17) from 9:00 PT in the meeting of the Kubernetes IoT Edge WG. I've added this to the agenda of the meeting<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Yuwy9IO4X6XKq2wLW0pVZn5yHQxlyK7wdYBZBXRWiKI/edit#heading=h.3qyk59vcykqa>. Zoom link is here<https://zoom.us/j/760932414>. Topics I would propose to discuss (feel free to comment if something is not right to discuss): * Quick intro of Kubernetes IoT Edge WG * Quick intro of OSF ECG * Different edge cloud infrastructure architectures their benefits and drawbacks with Kubernetes. What things are missing from Kubernetes * Centralized control plane (KubeEdge, K3s model) * Distributed control plane (KubeFed model) * Testing of Kubernetes in edge environments. * Any other things people would like to propose Br, Gerg0