Hi team,

Here is the summary for today's meeting.

More detail: https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/edge_cloud_meeting_minutes

Our next meeting is on next Wednesday. May. 2, UTC 13:00-14:00

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/5014627785


Minutes for meeting on April 26, 2018:

1.      Project progress

a)       successfully launched Edge Cloud project in opnfv

2.      Meeting plan

a)       Project meeting: every other Wednesday, at UTC 13:00-14:00

b)       Alternative meeting: every other Thursday, at UTC 3:00-4:00

3.      Initial committer sign up

a)       Please remember go to our etherpad page to add your name and the things you want to contribute before May 4th, when we need to report the final list to TSC.

b)       Initial committer: be able to make output for the following 2 releases, including docs or codes

4.      Project promotion plan

a)       Build separate working teams to work on specific areas. Please also add your name here if you are willing to lead and contribute to this team on following areas:

                     i.            Edge Cloud requirement analysis and architecture design

                    ii.            Cross community liaison, Progress and gap analysis for upstream communities and OPNFV projects

                  iii.            scenario definition and implementation

                  iv.            Testing stretagy and test case development


