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From: Csatari, Gergely (Nokia - HU/Budapest) [mailto:gergely.csatari@nokia.
com ]
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2018 9:04 AM
To: Suyash Sinha <>
Subject: [E] Re: [Edge-computing] : Connectivity (WAS: Upcoming Work Sessions Schedule - Edge)
You mean that the whole edge cloud is connected via LTE or any other mobile network?
From: Suyash Sinha [
Sent: Tuesday, January 2, 2018 6:45 PM
To: Csatari, Gergely (Nokia - HU/Budapest) <>
Cc: Claire Massey <>;
Subject: Re: [Edge-computing] Upcoming Work Sessions Schedule - Edge
Thanks Gergely. very helpful/
Based on my experience, there is also an issue of endpoint public IP address for the "edge cloudlet". We take the public IP for granted in the main datacenter but this may not be the case for edge. The edge cloudlet maybe connecting to the rest of the world via a client IP over LTE or other network that can change very often.
On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 8:34 AM, Csatari, Gergely (Nokia - HU/Budapest) <> wrote:
For telco the edge cloud is a necesary tool to bring the computing capability close to the end user. This is a must in case of latency sensitive applications.
The main differences compared to a central cloud are:
- Size is smaller, therefore the relative price of the management of the cloud is expensive (from a 4 node big cloud I would not like to have 3 dedicated control nodes)
- Location is not central, therefore any management activities which are not remote are very expensive and security should be provided
- Cardinality is a lot, therefore automatization of management activities are needed
- Workload is very volatile, therefore it should be very fast to start and stop workloads
- Workload is roaming, therefore there shold be a way to migrate the context of a workload
They are similar with the main clouds in a sense, that:
- low latency networking and compute are needed
- some workloads are delivered as VM images and some are as container images
- Resource limits are needed for the applications
- Network separation is needed between the applications
From: Suyash Sinha [
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2017 3:21 PM
To: Csatari, Gergely (Nokia - HU/Budapest) <>
Cc: Claire Massey <>;
Subject: Re: [Edge-computing] Upcoming Work Sessions Schedule - Edge
Gergely - Thanks for the share. What you are suggesting makes sense from a structural perspective.
I have been studying the edge cloud space and writing on it since 2015 (
pulse/pushing-cloud-edge- ) . So glad to see the work starting at openstack.suyash-sinha/
For me, the fundamental question that we must start with is "why edge cloud". what necessitates it? What are the technical, business and ecosystem reasons. What use cases about edge cloud are fundamentally different from the "mainframe" cloud? Perhaps, that will better help educate us about the structural aspects like VMs and containers etc.
On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 2:31 AM, Csatari, Gergely (Nokia - HU/Budapest) <> wrote:
Thanks for the discussions around the user stories. Some follow up questions and notes:
- Generic: I tried to use the user story template, but I think we should add more descriptions becouse I feel the user story format a bit to restrctive to add all information we discussed.
- Definitions: I’ve added four definitions to make the discussion about the user stories more easy. Should we add a definition to „Edge cloud” and/or „Edge cloud infrastructure” also?
- Workload: Several VM or linux containers of any kind
- The whole point of this, is to indicate that we are talking about VM-s and (OCI compliant) containers
- Maybe we can change „workload” to „virtualisation container” if you are not very mutch agains using terms from ETSI NFV 😊.
- (Edge Cloud) Infrastructure operator: an organisation responsible for operating an (edge cloud) infrastrucure
- (Edge Cloud) infrastructure user: an organisation or person who is using the (edge cloud) infrastructure services to start workload
- application user: an organisation or person who is using the application services runnig on top of the workloads in the (edge cloud) infrastructure
- User story 1:
- Can someone provide some references to the Glance edge friendly images?
- User story 2:
- From requirements point of view what is the difference between the multiple operator and the single operator case? In both cases there will be a need to transfer user metadata, workload images and realtime memory content between two edge clouds. Do I miss something (accounting maybe)?
- User story 3:
- Should we extend this to contain all FM and PM data and configurable views?
- Here I do not see the case when one edge cloud infrastructure operator would be interested in the FM and PM data of an other edge cloud infrastructure operators infrastructure. Can you please explain this a bit? Is this the case when one uber operator uses edge cloud infrastructure sevice from other operators?
- User Story 5:
- In the Kuberentes is deployed directly on bare metal case. OpenStack should only provide the hardware management part and the capability to deploy Kubernetes.
- For the Kuberentes deployed in VM-s case: What is the purpose of this? This is benefitial only if there is only an OpenStack what needs to be extended with the capaility to run containers (and still Magnum can deploy COE to bare metal if I remember correctly) or someone would like to run VM-s and contaienr in the same infra.
- The question how to deploy OpenStack to the edge sites is very valid. I think this should be a separate user story. Do we want to deploy OpenStack remotely?
- User Story 7:
- Can someone provide a reference to
- User Story 10
- I think the sharing of OpenStack users and tenants is not needed between operators. Maybe I’m totally missing this multi operator case, so please explain 😊
- User Story 12
- So here the required functionly is that when a new edge site is built it automaically finds the other clouds in the edge cloud infrastructure and builds up the needed connections? Is it ok to provide an ip address or fqdn as a hint for this or this should be totally automatic?
Any comments to anything are welcome 😊
From: Csatari, Gergely (Nokia - HU/Budapest)
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 2:35 PM
To: 'Claire Massey' <>;
Subject: RE: [Edge-computing] Upcoming Work Sessions Schedule - Edge
I think ont he existing gaps we should collect user stories to a separate etherpad, so I sarted just an other one: https://etherpad.openstack.
org/p/2017_edge_computing_ working_sessions_existing_gaps
From the user stories we can generate requirements which can be turned into implementable pieces after a while 😊
From: Claire Massey []
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Edge-computing] Upcoming Work Sessions Schedule - Edge
Correction - December 19th at 9:00am CST. Meeting Link:
On Dec 18, 2017, at 5:12 PM, Claire Massey <> wrote:
Quick reminder - we have another community Edge Work Session call tomorrow Tuesday, December 18 at 9:00am CST.
Meeting Link:
We look forward to chatting with you all then. Thanks!
On Dec 11, 2017, at 4:31 PM, Claire Massey <> wrote:
Hi everyone,
Quick reminder that we have another community Edge Work Session call tomorrow, Tuesday, at 9:00am CST.
Meeting Link:
We look forward to chatting with you all then.
On Nov 29, 2017, at 12:15 PM, Claire Massey <> wrote:
Thank you to everyone who attended the first edge work session call yesterday!
Records from the meeting:
* Audio recording of the November 28 meeting:
recording/play/t_XmAP- VK1RRGKhy_ Epb4TF57rlOIM1gkd9qvJQ18G9eidj hBS-UHprOzCjA6NSB
During the meeting we established three focus areas for work to be done:
- OpenStack existing gaps
- Cross-community efforts
- Potential new project needs
Volunteers have signed up to help lead these efforts. More details and next steps will soon be shared on the mailing list as well as the opportunity for others to get involved.
The next edge work session call will be on Tuesday, December 12, at 9:00am CST (15:00 UTC) at
On Nov 26, 2017, at 4:15 PM, Claire Massey <> wrote:
Hi there,
Welcome to the new Edge-Computing mailing list!
Starting this week the OpenStack Foundation will host a series of work sessions to pick up on the progress made at the OpenDev event in September [0] and the Edge Use Cases & Architecture forum session [1] at the Sydney Summit. The goal for the work sessions is to end 2017 with a clear set of edge operational requirements and documentation (there’s a whitepaper already in the works).
If you’d like to become an active participant to support this effort please join us.
Agenda and notes will be updated here: https://etherpad. .computing_working_sessions
The calls will be held on Tuesday’s at 9:00am CST (15:00 UTC) on
*November 28
*December 12
*December 19
Meeting Link:
Or Telephone:
US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID: 777 719 876
International numbers available:
zoomconference?m=QQS_ rcoIKkXtIdC_0EpVQ80nU8MYS4Y0
Claire Massey
Edge-computing mailing list computing
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