project configuration from config project is not reloaded on push to gerrit

Jeremy Stanley fungi at
Fri Feb 11 14:25:01 UTC 2022

On 2022-02-11 14:37:12 +0200 (+0200), Vasyl Vavrychuk wrote:
> I have noticed that configuration from my config project is not
> reloaded when I push change to gerrit, even so I see in Scheduler logs
> Moreover, configuration from config project is not reloaded even after
> Zuul Scheduler restart. It is only reloaded after
> 1. Stop Scheduler.
> 2. Stop ZooKeeper.
> 3. Remove ZooKeeper data directory (/tmp/zookeeper in my case).
> 4. Start ZooKeeper.
> 5. Start Scheduler.

What kind of configuration were you merging? If it's job definitions
or pipelines, that should take effect as soon as the change merges
to your config project. If it's tenant configuration on the other
hand, one of the schedulers needs a reconfiguration triggered

I suspect that may be what you're encountering, because
configuration state is persisted in ZooKeeper even through scheduler
restarts, unless the scheduler finds that ZooKeeper is empty, which
will trigger rereading all configuration from scratch.
Jeremy Stanley
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