Proposal: website

Thierry Carrez thierry at
Tue Jun 15 09:08:50 UTC 2021

Monty Taylor wrote:
> [...]
> Second stab:
> Humans are bad at boring repetitive tasks. There are no tasks more boring
> and repetitive than running a set of tests and waiting for them to finish.
> Computers are excellent at boring and repetitive tasks, but are terrible
> at making judgement calls. A computer can easily run tests over and over
> again and consistently report success or failure.
> Gating empowers humans to focus on creativity and judgement by completely
> removing their ability to do boring tasks like merging code if and only if
> if works.
> In a gating system:
> 	• Humans never merge changes, only computers
> 	• Computers automatically merge changes when all tests pass
> 	• Human code review approval can safely be fire and forget

"Computers automatically merge changes when all tests pass" makes it 
sound like humans are no longer involved at all (no more code reviews). 
And reading the next line, the role of human code reviews in the system 
is a bit unclear. I tried to come up with something better and did not 
get to anything satisfactory, though :)

> I didn’t yet talk about the reason that you *really* need speculative future state in order to do this _properly_ - but I think we should do that by the time we’re done - because let’s be honest - gating without speculative future state is just a random bug generator.

I think the site can first define gating, then move to say gating has 
properties that depend on implementation: it can be leaky or waterproof, 
and it can be scalable or not scalable. Then talk about the three 
implementation styles (serial = unscalable/waterproof, parallel = 
scalable/leaky, speculative = scalable/waterproof).

Then it's a two-punch thing: you want gating, and if you do, you 
probably want *proper* gating.


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