Type annotations

Tristan Cacqueray tdecacqu at redhat.com
Sun Feb 7 16:52:20 UTC 2021

On Fri, Feb 05, 2021 at 17:07 James E. Blair wrote:
> Clint Byrum <clint at fewbar.com> writes:
>> Hi! I'm on hiatus from Zuul dev as it's not in any of my current
>> day-job stacks nor do I have spare time to work on it. So take my
>> words as perspective, not as any sort of vote either way.
> Thanks for your perspective.  This is going to be a tricky discussion.
> I doubt we will all agree 100% on an answer, so this is going to be an
> exercise in finding consensus.  I do think we need to hear from
> different perspectives and I appreciate your presenting those of junior
> developers (especially since they may not feel like speaking up).
> Ultimately we're going to have to make a decision that not everyone is
> going to be happy with, so I ask everyone to keep that in mind.
> Consensus in this case is likely to be "something that we can all live
> with".
>> On Fri, Feb 5, 2021 at 1:54 PM James E. Blair <jim at acmegating.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd like to propose that we remove type annotations and checking from
>>> our code.
>>> I don't think they are providing much value, but they come at a
>>> significant cost.
>>> They have very rarely (I think perhaps once or twice) caught errors.
>>> Meanwhile, we aren't going to relax our test coverage requirements,
>>> which should catch most things anyway.
>> I don't believe that this is all that telling. Running the type
>> checker in CI is meant to ensure it happens, in case someone forgets.
>> It's not meant to be the place at which type violations are detected
>> and dealt with.
>> Neither do I think that running it just before commit is the general
>> way it is most useful, but that should beh appening, and that would be
>> a thing that happens well outside the eyes of anyone other than the
>> developer writing a change, so it's hard to really measure how useful
>> some find it.
> Well, I mention it because that was certainly the argument made to begin
> the experiment in the first place.  It's possible that the field has
> shifted since then though, and the value lies elsewhere as you say.

It can be tricky to ensure mypy do check the annotations and that is a
bit concerning since it may accept incorrect annotations. When mypy does
check the annotations, it uses very permissive coercion rules by default,
which can also result in valid incorrect annotations. For example it is
tedious to track Any type inference.

I find it frustrating when mypy accepts invalid code, even after adding
all the necessary annotations.

>> However, the more typed core models and libraries are, the more editor
>> plugins will be able to guide a developer to the right answer.
>> I paused zuul dev in a place where pure vim with almost no plugins or
>> config were how I developed Python, and I didn't really understand
>> type hinting other than "yay another way to prevent bugs". And it *is*
>> very much that, and it will catch some bugs before they happen at
>> runtime.
>> But since doing moving on to other things, I've adopted VS:Code for
>> python dev, and I have to say, it helps *a lot* with reducing the
>> cognitive load of writing and editing code. Just being able to type an
>> object's name, and then hit ., and getting a menu of the methods
>> avaliable, means I never accidentally try to call .split on a list, or
>> pass a string without first casting to the numeric type required by a
>> function, thus locating the error handling near the ingest of the
>> data, rather than the use of the number.
>> I know, experienced devs aren't going to care as much, but I want to
>> suggest that type hinting is a rather pleasant and normal thing for
>> some more junior developers.
> For what it's worth, that's not the first time I've heard this, and I am
> sympathetic to the argument.  I do think it's worth considering.

Note that language server protocol (LSP) also works well with neovim and
emacs where you can get a similar experience. I'm using lsp-mode to
find definitions and to autocomplete attributes.

>>> On the other hand, they cause the code to be much less readable and I
>>> believe that will ultimately lead to more errors.  Developer and
>>> reviewer fatigue are important things to keep in mind.  Some examples
>>> where I think annotations are particularly unhelpful:
>>>   self.on_connect_listeners: List[Callable[[], None]] = []
>>> Or (note the duplication):
>>>   def __init__(self, ...
>>>                info: Optional[zuul.model.WebInfo] = None):
>>>   self.info: Optional[zuul.model.WebInfo] = info
>>> We've also had some occurrences where we ended up fighting the
>>> annotation system.
>> This is definitely a real thing. Mypy has gone through a few cycles
>> now where they've clearly painted themselves into corners and there
>> are too many escape hatches, so folks aren't fixing the hard bugs.
> I agree that what we see in practice does not match what we all hope for
> from mypy.
> I think these issues are significant enough that, along with the fact
> that it's an appendage to the language, it makes the resulting code very
> difficult to read and understand.  That is something that affects all
> developers, junior and senior.

I've studied that topic quite a bit recently. Type systems effectively
prevents the occurrence of execution errors and can exclude certain
classes of programming errors. One of the benefits is that it reduces
testing burden and QA can focus on higher impact bugs. 

This lead me to learn Haskell, OCaml and Rust where types are richer.
I now find the Python type annotations, and the mypy checker too limited
for the following reasons:

- The Any type removes all guarantees.
- Pattern matching on unions are not supported.

For example, an annotated `Build` object would looks like this:

# zuul/model.py
class Build(object):
    def __init__(self, job: Job, uuid: str):
        self.job = job
        self.uuid = uuid
        self.url: Optional[str] = None
        self.result: Optional[str] = None
        self.result_data: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        self.error_detail: Optional[str] = None

Which has the following issues:

- A SUCCESS build may still have a missing url.
- The result data is defined for build without result (e.g. NODE_FAILURE).

It is nice that mypy will force us to check if the url is defined before
using it, but it would be nicer if we could annotate that `url` is only
valid for SUCCESS or FAILURE result, and not available for NODE_FAILURE

With pattern match, the Build type could looks like this:

type Build = Success(url, result_data)
           | Error(url, error_detail)
           | NodeFailure

def show_build(build : Build) -> str:
    match build:
      Success(url, result_data): return url
      Error(url, error_detail): return url
      NodeFailure: return "node failure"

The zuul model currently encodes a lot of different states in general
purpose object attributes, for example `QueueItem` or `Change`.
I think that annotating these objects will clutter the definition with
Optionals, and the type checker will require many un-necessary tests
when using these objects.

Thus I think it will be a significant effort to annotate the Zuul code
base, and still, we will be missing a lot from a richer type system.
I recommend this Jane Street's talk about what an expressive type
systems can do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=961&v=kZ1P8cHN3pY

>>> I've mentioned to several of you that I do very much enjoy the benefits
>>> of statically typed languages (I write C code for fun), but I don't
>>> think that the type hints in Python are very well executed.  Many of us
>>> chose to use Python instead of Java specifically for the dynamic typing
>>> and as a reaction against the extensive type requirements.  The type
>>> hinting that is being added to Zuul seems like it carries the costs of
>>> Java without the benefits.
>> I think Python's optional typing is far simpler than the required,
>> explicit, verbose typing of java. The comparisons to C is completely
>> irrelevant IMO: it is a low level language where the types are more
>> indicative of storage than utility.
> I didn't think the mention of C was irrelevant, I do understand the
> technical differences here.  I just wanted to establish this wasn't some
> arbitrary vendetta I have against typed languages.  But this is a
> meta-argument so let's just leave it.
> And yes, Python's typing is optional, but this discussion is explicitly
> about using it, and not just using it a little around the edges, but
> really committing to it.  Effectively using it in a non-optional way.

I think the main difference is that Python annotations can be inferred:
you don't have to declare an object struct outright, and assignments
automatically get the return type. In theory, function's argument types
could also be infered in some case, but Python uses Any.

>>> We started this as a small experiment.  We said that we would run the
>>> type checker in a mode where it would operate on implicit type
>>> information, thereby minimizing the additional cognitive load on authors
>>> and reviewers.  We then started adding some minimal type information in
>>> strategic places to help it out.  However, I'm now reviewing changes
>>> that are literally 3x larger than they otherwise would be because of all
>>> the additional repetitive type information going into them.

Though we could use type aliases to reduce the repetition.

>>> I'm glad to try experiments like these, but I think this one has grown
>>> to the point where we need to decide if we want to go all-in on type
>>> annotations or remove them.
>>> I feel fairly strongly that the cost to authors and reviewers far
>>> outweighs the benefits, and we should make everyone's lives easier by
>>> removing them.
>> Again, I'm not an active developer or reviewer, so it's just a
>> thought. But make sure you hear from more junior contributors before
>> determining the value.

It seems like we would need to add a lot more annotations to have useful
mypy checks. Though if the existing annotations can help developper
using IDE support, then I do not mind keeping what we already have.

If we decide to go all-in on type annotations, I would consider waiting
for pattern matching support in Python. That would be a good opportunity
to isolate object state in dedicated type instead of the current
definitions that relies on object attributes value. I think this has the
potential to significantly improve the Zuul code base quality.

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