GitLab driver - gate pipeline implementation with the GitLab approval system

James E. Blair corvus at
Fri Jun 26 13:53:41 UTC 2020

Fabien Boucher <fboucher at> writes:

> Hi,
> I'd like to share my plan regarding the implementation of a gate pipeline
> for the GitLab driver. GitLab provides a merge request approval system that
> we could leverage to implement it.
> The current status of the GitLab driver proposed into that Gerrit topic [1]
> is:
> - Support for the Push, Tag, Merge Request, and Comment events.
> - Support for a comment reporter.
> The buildset status is only reported into a merge request's comment. Thus
> I'd like to add an approval reporter that Zuul will use to set its approval
> on the Merge Request in case of buildset success. The GitLab Merge
> Request's approvals system allows a project owner to define multiple
> approval rules [2]. When a Merge Request is approved by all requested
> approvers then GitLab unlock the merge Merge Request API endpoint. A
> project's owner could define a rule for the Zuul CI where that rule's
> approver will be the Zuul user. The GitLab API provides an endpoint to
> approve and unapprove a Merge Request.
> To make a Merge Request enter a gate pipeline we need to listen to approval
> events. Approval events are sent to the web-hook system so by using this as
> a trigger and also by reading the approval + mergeability status as a
> requirement we should have the minimal needed information to make a gate
> pipeline configuration.
> I've run some initial tests by playing with the GitLab approval API and it
> seems that the related endpoints + events are available with the free SAS
> offering on (I was able to use the API with the free plan but
> note that the approvals documentation [2] specifies that the feature is
> only available with the starter/bronze plan). So this is something I don't
> get at the moment ...
> But before moving forward with the implementation, I'd like to get your
> thoughts about this.

This sounds very similar to what people are doing with GitHub and Zuul
(with "required approvals"), so it sounds good to me.


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