[Diversity] Diversity & Inclusion WG Meeting 8/31 - Removing Divisive Language

Amy Marrich amy at demarco.com
Wed Aug 26 21:08:07 UTC 2020

The Diversity & Inclusion WG has taken on the task from this week's Board
meeting to assist with the development of the OSF's stance on the removal
of Divisive Language within the OSF projects.

The WG invites members of all OSF projects to participate in this effort
and to join us at our next meeting Monday, August 31, at 17:00 UTC which
will be held at https://meetpad.opendev.org/osf-diversity-and-inclusion.
<https://meetpad.opendev.org/osf-diversity-and-inclusion> The agenda can be
found at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/diversity-wg-agenda.

If you have any questions please let me and the team know here, on
#openstack-diversity on IRC, or you can email me directly.

Amy Marrich (spotz)
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