Proposal to create zuul-operator project

Monty Taylor mordred at
Wed Mar 6 19:18:02 UTC 2019

On 3/6/19 6:59 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:
> Quoting James E. Blair (2019-03-06 10:22:31)
>> Paul Belanger <pabelanger at> writes:
>>> I think it is a fine idea, I've also seen some talk about it recently
>>> too.
>>> I do think we should have some consensus on the bits we want to support
>>> for the deployment. Maybe going as far as saying it is an opinionated
>>> deployment, for better or worse. As an example, graphite / statsd is
>>> that in play or not?
>> I think some things we can be opinionated on (for example, we can pick
>> one SQL backend, because our operator will manage it).  There are
>> probably a number of ways to handle stats (manage it ourselves, or leave
>> it to the user to be able to report to their central dashboard).  We can
>> make things easy for ourselves by ignoring that for starters.  We can
>> always add it later.
> All of the clouds I am interested inputting Zuul on have DBaaS and I
> tend to prefer those for a number of reasons (global backup policies,
> better performance, less ops load). I'm not saying v0 has to have this,
> but it would be nice if the DB part had an option to consume an external
> one. But I'd probably use it without that, so, just a nice to have. :)

I crossed thread streams and said words about this replying to Paul but 
missed these...

I think I agree with Jim - we should only manage one db.

But I also agree with Clint - we should allow users to ask us to not 
manage a db and hand us a connection url.

The default should be to manage a database and using an external one 
should be an opt-in for more advanced users.

>>> Also, could we maybe say a single distro for all container things? I
>>> guess by default, that is what the current containers by zuul project is
>>> running today. I don't much have the energy to get into the weeds of pip
>>> / dpkg / rpm for how things maybe get installed (if needed).
>> I expect our operator would just use the container images we're
>> building.
> Another really hard part of this is what to include in the executor
> image. I currently add in kubectl for kubernetes resources, and boto3
> for s3 logs. These are local choices that not everyone needs, and I
> imagine there are other examples of base jobs that rely on executor
> image contents not in the base executor image. So I think it's important
> to make it relatively simple to build your own images, but still use
> said operator.

rook has a config field in its CephCluster spec:

     image: ceph/ceph:v13.2.2-20181206

that let's people do that. In our case, there are potentially a set of 
related images - but that should still be easy enough to do - and have 
them default to the images we build and expect.

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