Proposal to create zuul-operator project

Tristan Cacqueray tdecacqu at
Mon Apr 8 09:48:28 UTC 2019

On Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 17:31 Monty Taylor wrote:
> Hey everybody,
> It seems that kubernetes operators are all the rage these days, and in
> the last 2 weeks I've had multiple conversations that have all come back
> around to someone wanting a zuul operator to exist.
> SO ...
> I would like to propose that we create a zuul-operator project as part
> of Zuul.
> Given our close ties with Ansible, I think we should use
> ansible-operator [0] to write it.
> Since we have zuul in production on both vanilla k8s and on OpenShift, I
> think we should set up gate jobs to make sure it works on both. Once
> we're happy with it - we should publish it to operatorhub. [1]
> Does anyone object? It not, I'll get a repo started.


I went ahead and worked on a prototype published here:
Here are a few notes:

I ran test with OKD v3.11, though it should work with plain
kubernetes too.

This prototype doesn't use the OLM and assumes these operators
are already installed:
- ZookeeperCluster
- PgCluster

It doesn't uses persistent volume either, I'm still not sure how an
operator is supposed to configure such volume.

I investigated autoscaling for merger and executor based on the
gearman queues. Scale-up works fine, merger gets created on demand,
but scale-down is missing graceful stop to wait for pending job before
stopping a pod. FWIW here is the formula:

Lastly I also prototyped a Gerrit operator as well as a higher level
operator named Software Factory that composes the Zuul operator like
As you can see, the Zuul ssh key can be passed by secret name reference,
similarly to the PgCluster usersecretname.

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