Dequeuing buildset on first error

Antoine Musso hashar at
Mon Nov 19 15:06:26 UTC 2018

On 13/11/2018 21:48, Tobias.Henkel at wrote:

> We have several projects that have buildsets with fast (few minutes, 
> e.g. linters) and longer running (> 40 minutes, e.g. big fat c++ 
> compilation) jobs.
> We often see the case that one of the linter jobs failed and already 
> could give feedback. However zuul waits for the completion of the fat 
> compile job before reporting.
> Generally this is the desired behaviour because we want to give as 
> much feedback as possible.
> However some projects may want to decide that quick feedback is more 
> important than the most complete feedback possible.
> So I would propose to add a ‘report-on-first-failure’ flag to the 
> project-pipeline. The default would be false in order to retain the 
> current behaviour.
> If the deque happens the aborted jobs will have the ABORTED state so 
> it can be clearly seen in the reporting that these were aborted.
> Enabling this for certain projects also could help to reduce resource 
> consumption in quota-constrained periods.
> What do you think about this?

We are still running Zuul 2.5 so take the ideas below with a grain of 
salt with regard to Zuul v3.

Zuul 2.5 has an option for DependentPipeline to first run fast jobs 
before triggering other jobs. The fast jobs (such as linters) one has to 
mark them with *hold-following-changes*.

Still in Zuul 2.5, you could chain your jobs in some tree:


    name: foo


      - linter:

          - unit:

             - integration

Which would run the *linter* job first, if it is a success, run *unit* 
and finally *integration*. I have used it as some point but it does not 
play well when having templates that separate linters and unit. We also 
had the issue of filtering out linters, which would thus never trigger 
and prevent the unit/integration tests from running.

For MediaWiki at least, I went with an other way. Zuul triggers jobs, 
but the jobs use a python script that has all the logic. The script 
clone the repo, runs linter, clone other repos, performs the install 
then run unit/integration/end to end tests.  Thus the flow is offloaded 
from Zuul to a script which is easier for end users to reproduce and 
hack on.

A while back I have seen a Gerrit/Zuul install that had linters vote 
Linted +1 on success. That would be then consumed by another pipeline to 
run unit tests and vote Unit +1 which in turns ran the integration tests 
and ultimately submit. It might be the easiest approach. One drawback is 
that the different stages run serially which delay the final result. But 
it offers faster feedback in case of small errors.

(again: all the above from a Zuul 2.5 perspective, I haven't come to v3 
yet :( )


Antoine "hashar" Musso

CI infra for Wikimedia Foundation

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