Next steps after 3.0.0 release

James E. Blair corvus at
Thu Mar 29 16:44:24 UTC 2018


Now that 3.0.0 is released[1] (yay!), it's a good time to go over what
we need to do next.

The first order of business is to land the changes to add reno:

You should read the docs that those changes introduce (they'll be in the
developer docs for future reference), but the key bit is:

  When adding a noteworthy feature, fixing a noteworthy bug or
  introducing a behavior change that a user or operator should know
  about, it is a good idea to add a release note to the same patch.

Every release from this point out will have release notes included in
the documentation.

We relaxed our review standards significantly during the feature branch
phase, but we've been returning to normal for the past few months.  At
this point, the master branches of Nodepool and Zuul should always be
kept working and ready for release.  Gating usually handles the
technical side of that, but don't lose track of the intent when it comes
to other aspects.

Please make sure that changes have documentation if they affect a
user-visible aspect of the system, have a release note if the change is
noteworthy, and have tests if they alter behavior.  If a change is
missing these things, please ask about it.  These rules don't need to be
too rigid, but if we flex them, we should be in the habit of discussing
it and establishing that there's a good reason.

We need to be careful about making changes to the zuul-jobs and
zuul-base-jobs repos now.  We'll write up a policy and include it in the
docs for those repos, but the important thing is that we can't use new
Zuul features in those repos until we've given folks a chance to upgrade
(so probably some number of weeks after the feature appears in a
release).  And we can't remove features from Zuul until we've removed
their use from zuul-jobs, and given folks who might be running a fork of
zuul-jobs time to update.

I expect us to release Zuul and Nodepool much more often now.  Any time
we make a significant change and establish that the software is working
as intended, we should release.  We've assigned some very specific
meaning to version numbers recently, but don't think that will continue.
The versions we release will be what they are depending on what has
landed when we release.

Thanks everyone for your work on the release, and I look forward to
reviewing all the patches that are waiting in the wings!



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