Deprecation: zuul-info/inventory.yaml creation moved from validate-host to log-inventory role

Ian Wienand iwienand at
Wed Jun 27 01:11:30 UTC 2018

On 06/26/2018 09:40 PM, Tristan Cacqueray wrote:
> Then for some other reasons, when a job run without nodeset on localhost,
> then the inventory_file is undefined and it needs to be set like that:
> - name: Define inventory_file fact
>   set_fact:
>     inventory_file: "/tmp/{{ }}/ansible/inventory.yaml"
We determined it was correct ansible behaviour that inventory_file
isn't set in this case [1].  The "/tmp" was the only kink in above, as
zuul didn't directly export the path.  It is suggested zuul could
export this directly in [2].  The job can then pick that up in [3] and
we should then have this case covered.



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