Secret handling in branches

Clint Byrum clint at
Thu Jan 18 00:57:41 UTC 2018

Excerpts from corvus's message of 2018-01-17 15:28:42 -0800:
> Jeremy Stanley <fungi at> writes:
> > On 2018-01-17 15:02:11 -0800 (-0800), James E. Blair wrote:
> > [...]
> >> The fix for the second issue is also not too difficult -- we can simply
> >> permit duplicate definitions, but only on different branches of the same
> >> project and with the same content.  That allows us to create a new
> >> branch from an existing one without a configuration error.
> > [...]
> >
> > What's then the recommended workflow/sequence for changing a secret
> > if it appears on more than one branch? First delete all but one so
> > there are no remaining duplicates, then modify that one remaining
> > copy?
> I think that's the only thing that would work with the proposed change.
> It might be a good idea to delete secrets (and nodesets, and
> semaphores -- I'm working on similar changes for these) shortly after
> branch creation just to keep things tidy.
> Retiring a secret would be straightforward -- just delete it from master
> and let it continue to live on any branches where it's still relevant.
> Alternatively, if we decide this is too onerous, we could allow secrets
> to have differing values across branches, and simply only use the first
> one defined.
> Or we could allow and store distinct values across branches, matching
> them up with the appropriate job variants on those branches.  It would
> make the workflow you describe here easier -- we'd just need to keep in
> mind it doesn't change the security posture at all -- the keys would be
> the same (as mentioned in the previous email).  It would mean there's a
> bit more "magic" going on, and may lead people to mistake which
> branch-version of a secret is being used.
> If we're not sure which way to go, the proposed change is the more
> conservative of the two approaches and is forward compatible with the
> other -- if we require that any duplicate secrets have the same data
> today, then we can chose to permit different data later without breaking
> existing usage.

This is thorny because without some kind of hierarchy/ordering on which
branch is loaded first after master (I assume master is always the top?)
it's hard to make any rules about varying.

Could we just add a branch matcher to secrets the way we do with jobs? I
haven't thought through this, just didn't see it as an alternative in
your summary. Basically you can only have a different value if you have
an explicit branch matcher that differs too?

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