Another etcd thread (was Re: Projects config introspection)

Tristan Cacqueray tdecacqu at
Wed Dec 12 01:53:32 UTC 2018

On December 11, 2018 5:34 pm, Clark Boylan wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018, at 10:45 PM, Tristan Cacqueray wrote:
> Snip
>> I find this argument to be the most compeling. Zookeeper was
>> orginally developed at Yahoo, and there have been no major releases
>> since 2008. Facebook[0] seems to be replacing it by LAD. Kafka[1]
>> also seems to be removing the Zookeeper depencency...
> Worth noting that Kafka has rejected etcd as well and appears to be implementing things internally themselves. At least according to this bug link.
Yes, it seems like they are moving away from configuration management
systems alltogether because it's not a good fit.

Bottom line is, users seems to be moving away from ZooKeeper.

> Snip
>> Even with that PR, the current system may not be enough as
>> it doesn't support multiple auth and you only have a global
>> username:password. For example, with the executor zoning,
>> we may want to be able to revoke or change just one executor
>> credential and not the whole system.
> I don't think this is true. ZooKeeper seems to support an auth scheme using Kerberos and SASL which would allow for every client and server to have its own principal. You can also apply ACLs to paths on top of the authenticated clients.
> This might not be the simplest setup but should allow for you to revoke a single client's (or server's) access to the cluster.
That seems correct, though it's unclear how you would add
multiple principals to the znode's acl. 

Note that ZooKeeper permission are not hierarchical, any change
to the acl needs to be applied to all the nodes.

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