Projects config introspection

Tristan Cacqueray tdecacqu at
Mon Dec 3 08:00:36 UTC 2018

Thank you Tobias for looking into that again.
Please find some comments inlined below.

On December 3, 2018 6:49 am, Tobias.Henkel at wrote:
> On 02.12.18, 10:32, "Tristan Cacqueray" <tdecacqu at> wrote:
>     On December 1, 2018 5:58 pm, James E. Blair wrote:
>     [...]
>     > One further thing however -- I'm not sure how much more complexity we
>     > should undertake in the REST API before we begin work on the Zuul v4
>     > effort -- moving the configuration data into Zookeeper.  The current
>     > method of gearman queries is not very efficient, and as we add more
>     > complexity, it's only going to get worse and make the ultimate
>     > transition more difficult.  I think we can start on the effort to move
>     > things into ZK soon, and that will make building these kinds of APIs
>     > much easier.
>     > 
>     Hum, I didn't realized the configuration data was being moved to
>     zookeeper... What is the roadmap for Zuul v4?
>     Before growing the zookeeper dependency, could we please consider
>     etcd again? I recently found a year old issue about unauthorized
>     connection being accepted, which is not very encouraging...
>  Zookeeper is already deeply baked into the whole system. I just looked
> into the differences to etcd and I think the for us most important difference
> is the way locks work. In zookeeper the lock is an ephemeral node that
> exists as long as the session exists. This is checked with a heartbeat per session.
> In contrast etcd has no session concept. Locks are modeled via leases where
> each lease which needs to be validated every few seconds with a heartbeat.
> As we make a massive use of locks we would need to handle potentially thousands
> of locks at the same time which would translate into thousands of heartbeats
> in etcd every few seconds compared to just one with zookeeper.
It seems like you can attach many locks to a single lease.
All the keys attached to a lease are deleted if the lease expires,
which seems like a similar implementation of zookeeper's lock.

> Further we have with kazoo a zk library with many ready to use recipes while with
> etcd I only found the lock concept in the python-etcd3 library. So we would need
> to create our own recipes for caching, leader election,...
> So I'm not really sure if it's worth switching to etcd in the state we are now. 
> Exchanging this would be a large effort. However the zk stuff is pretty good 
> abstracted in zuul and nodepool so I think if we consider a switch in the future
> I don't think the effort will be such a big difference compared to switching now.
If we are going to use kazoo recipes, isn't this going to make
a switch later more difficult?

> Regarding Zuul v4, I think of that for all topics that are related to make the
> scheduler scale out ready. That also involves to replace gearman with zookeeper
> in most places. And by coincidence I've just pushed up my first thoughts about
> that as a spec:
That is looking great :)

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